Sunday, 2 June 2013

tourdates, tour dates, where music is unleashed

Southsea Gig Review

Review of "The Verals" gig @ Southsea on Saturday by Andy Trigg


I watched The Verals last night at a seven act gig-fest organised by the inimitable Mat Hume from Fourth City. The Verals are described on their Facebook page as, "a teenage rock band from Sheffield". I would have preferred to not mention their ages, and just speak about them as a band like any other but they're not. They don't need patronising with words like - ooh aren't they great to say they are so young but it's impossible to put into context how good they are musically without pointing out their remarkably young ages (I've been told the drummer is 14 and the bassist and guitarist are 15 or 16). 

I have to admit to being pretty blown away by how good The Verals are. Them being so young really adds to the pleasure of watching them, but if I have to think about how I'd rate them if they were 25 instead, I have to say I'd still rate them as one of Sheffield's best live bands so it begs the question - how good are they going to be in 5 years time?

Their music is rock based, heavy, loud, exciting, heavily riff driven and played with a skill and maturity which just shouldn't be developed yet unless they started 10 years back. The energy reminds me of Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. I spoke to the drummer last night and he quoted Keith Moon as one of his inspirations, so that should give an idea of how much drum thrashing goes on. As with all the great 3 piece bands they have a great big sound, and each individual is very talented and dedicated. Anyway if you get chance to see them live it should be a very rewarding experience.

Snowdune music
#2 Santiago Kings
Participating Member


2 posts
Posted Yesterday, 09:15 PM
Cracking band, found their sound early and are well rounded in their playing. will deffo go on to something big in the future, if they continue to play the way they do.

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